Latest News

HIV Awareness Program

Current Statistics

NACP has registered 53,718 HIV cases, and among them 32,972 are on ART in 51 ART centers till June 2022.


0.21 Million
Estimated people with HIV
53,718 Registered
People Living with HIV who know there status
in 51 ART centers till June 2022

32,972 Treatment
People currently receiving ARV Therapy

Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif/ Prime Minister, Islamic Republic of Pakistan

Abdul Qadir Patel/Federal Minister

Dr. Fakhr e Alam Irfan/ Secretary

Dr. Shabana Saleem/ Director General (Health)

Mr Mustafa Jamal Kazi/ National Coordinator (AIDS, TB, Malaria)

Dr. Arsalan Hyder/ Deputy National Coordinator - HIV/AIDS

Our Vision

We envision a Pakistan where every person living with HIV has access to quality care and is treated with dignity. Effective prevention, care and support for HIV/AIDS is possible in an environment where human rights are respected and where those infected or affected by HIV/AIDS live a life without stigma and discrimination.

Success Stories

Prevention Programms in Sexual Networks

CBOs Model is introduced to provide prevention services in sexula networks.

5th National Surveillance Round [IBBS - 2017]

NACP has successfully completed the 5th Round of IBBS[2017] in the country.

Stories of Change

ARVs adherence is necessary for PLHIV to spend normal and healthy life
Better livelihood needs financial assistance and economic empowerment
Coordination brings happiness among two parties

Our Service

Have a question or need some help?

APLHIV provides a respectful and safe venue where a wide range of organizations with differing missions come together to share HIV-related information. Call us now at 0800-22209